Arkansas Seismic Network
Recent Helicorder Displays
Basin Creek Farm - Malvern |
Cane Creek | Hobbs | Lake Charles | Ozark Folk Center |
Richland Creek Farm - El Dorado |
White Oak Lake | Woolly Hollow | Yellville |
Basin Creek Farm - Malvern (strong motion) |
Cane Creek (strong motion) |
Hobbs (strong motion) |
Lake Charles (strong motion) |
Ozark Folk Center (strong motion) |
White Oak Lake (strong motion) |
Woolly Hollow (strong motion) |
Yellville (strong motion) |
Temporary Stations
X702 HHZ NM 00 | X901 HHZ NM 00 | XB03 HHZ AG 00 | BAT3 HHZ AG 00 | EN5 HHZ AG 00 | EN5 HHN AG 00 | EN5 HHE AG 00 |
The Arkansas Seismic Network (ASN) consists of nine state-of-the-art permanent broadband seismic stations strategically placed within selected State Parks across Arkansas. The ASN was funded through the Arkansas Governor’s General Improvement Fund in response to the Magnet Cove earthquake swarm in 2008. The goal of the ASN is to establish better and more uniform earthquake detection outside of the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ). The network was installed in spring of 2010 and is seamlessly integrated with the regional and national seismic networks. The ASN is operated and maintained in cooperation with the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS), Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis and Arkansas State Parks (ASP). The network code is AG, and the stations are located at
Basin Creek Farm,
Cane Creek State Park,
Hobbs State Park,
Lake Charles State Park,
Ozark Folk Center State Park,
Richland Creek Farm,
White Oak Lake State Park,
Woolly Hollow State Park,
and Yellville.