
AGC/AGS Series Guidebook
Number Series GB 80-2
Title A Guidebook to Southwestern Arkansas
Author (s) B.F. Clardy
Date 1980
General Description

This guidebook gives geologic descriptions of 5 locations both in the Cretaceous and Paleozoic units of southwest Arkansas. Emphasis of the trip is upon weathering and secondary porosity development in the Jackfork Sandstone and potential relative to hydrocarbon production. Sites include a quarry in the Jackfork Sandstone (Pennsylvanian), asphaltic sands in the lower Trinity Group (Cretaceous), Jackfork Sandstone of the Dierks Dam spillway, Jackfork Sandstone capped by the Pike Gravel Member of the Trinity Group near Dierks, and the DeQueen Limestone Member of the Trinity Group at Highland gypsum quarry. The report includes individual geologic maps for each stop.

*Includes: 12 pages, 5 plates

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Online Version

Guidebook 80-2 PDF (2.99 MB)